Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?
Agnes Kumar, DDS |
A common complaint among patients is that their teeth are sensitive.
Sensitivity in teeth can arise due to many different factors. One possibility is excessive pressures due to
unbalance in biting forces on particular teeth.
This can cause the ligaments which hold the tooth in bone to be bruised
and create sensitivity. Sometimes
getting your bite adjusted can greatly decrease this problem. If for example, someone grinds or clenches
their teeth, a bite splint may be necessary to help with the sensitivity. At times exposed root surfaces of teeth or
exposed inner part of the tooth (dentin) can be a source of sensitivity. Dentin has microscopic water-filled tubules
which are connected to the live part of the tooth (nerve and blood
vessels). When the dentin is exposed to
environmental factors such as hot or cold temperatures, the micro-tubules conduct these right into the
nerve and cause sensitivity. A filling
or desensitizing agents may help decrease the symptoms. Sensitivity due to exposed root surfaces of
teeth, for example due to a gum recession, can sometimes be treated with minor
surgery to reposition the gums back on the root surface.
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